Near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India there is small dot of island called North Sentinel Island. An estimated 50 to 400 people live there who are collectively known as Sintinalese and most probably they are the most isolated people in the entire world as they are pre-Neolithic, which means in the middle of this high-tech age that we live in , they live in stone age.
Very little have been known about these people and their behavior towards visitors is not welcoming. They speak a language named Sentinalese ( the name is given by outsiders of course) , which has no way to become intelligible to outside world.
Indian Government tried for a meaningful way to get closer to those stone age people way back in 1967 when the GOI sent an anthropologist named Trilokinath Pandit and a film crew for the purpose. The team attempted to woo the Sentinelese into friendly contact with gifts, such as fruit, a pig, some toys, and pots and pans. But this initiative was failed and some members of the exploration team got shot by arrows.
Eventually, India has given up further attempts and all we know about them is that we practically know nothing. Yes, judging by their behavior and way of living they are the hunter gatherers of the 21st century for whom the word called change or evolution has no meaning.
Now, we can let our imagination soar high, write adventure stories or make films where we can project those stone age people as we please ..but in reality they will never even know the source of our fascination or how magnificently they have become the part of our bedtime stories...
Where is James Cameron BTW???