In a somewhat bizarre incident a man along with his friend were arrested on Friday for allegedly molesting his own wife in a moving mini-truck. The incident took place in Rewari. The accused have been identified as Yashpal Yadav, the husband, and Satish Yadav - both of whom are drivers in a local branch of the Transport Corporation of India.
According to a police complaint filed by the woman, the three were traveling in a car driven by Yashpal, to Jharli in Jhajjar on Thrusday. Satish, who was sitting beside her, started molesting her following which she complained about it to her husband. However, instead of stopping Satish, Yashpal threatened to kill her if she shouts.
The woman said she somehow got the vehicle stopped at Surehli village, 40 km from Rewari, and came out and started raising alarm. Hearing her cries locals rushed to the spot and overpowered Satish and handed him over to police. Yashpal, who had managed to flee, was later apprehended from his house at Phideri village near Rewari.