Media tycoon, Silvio Berlusconi had to face a different kind of protest at the Milan Polling station where he arrived to cast his vote in the general election on Sunday as three topless feminists jumped at him. They women belonged to Femen, a Ukranian women's power group. They had slogans reading Basta Berlusconi, literally translating to enough with Berlusconi protesting his political presence.
The feminists had not succeeded in reaching Berlusconi after breaking out from the line of journalists and tried to jump at him from a group of tables trying to attack him. In black paint on the front and back of their topless body, “Basta Berlusconi” were painted. The police guards however managed to intercept them and prevented the attack. The stubborn women were dragged away to be detained and also had to be pinned down to the ground before they were taken away.
Berlusconi is the center of such attacks since his image has been marred with several scandals. He currently leads the centre-right coalition in the election and his majority is expected to land him on the second place only after the centre-left.
(AW- Anil)