Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa walks out of the National Development Council (NDC) meet exclusively for the Chief Minister just moments after the commencement in Delhi, on Thursday (December 27).
'Humiliated' CM walked out after she was refused to speak her mind out on center while addressing at the meet. Ms Jayalalithaa in her address was critical over the center’s 'big brotherly undemocratic' approach.
As she was mid way through the speech the bell rings for the next speaker which irked the leader, who later recalled that it was 'humiliating and the voices of the Chief Ministers are stifled.'
The NDC, presided by the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, was to discuss the 12th five-Year-Plan and get it approved with major consensus. This would set a financial agenda for the preceding five years. As per sources the target of growth had been set at 8 percent. (Wishesh AarKay)