Government has finalized to set up 20 more IITs in PPP ( Public Private Partnership) mode with an estimated budget of Rs 2,808.71 Cr. Shashi tharoor, the central HRD minister of state disclosed the plan in Lok Sabha. While answering to a query, the minister said“ While land for the purpose would be made available free of cost by state governments concerned, an IIT would be established at a capital cost of Rs 128 crore each to be contributed in ratio of 50:35:15 by centre, state and industry partner respectively."
On building the apex engineering institutes with the support of corporate sector, Mr. Tharoor further confirmed by saying “ AICTE has allowed public/private limited company/ industries with Rs 100 crore turnover for last three years to establish a new technical institution in engineering and technology, pharmacy, architecture and town planning, hotel management and catering technology."
So far eight more IITs have been opened according to eleventh five year plan in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh.