A powerful business man was shot dead by a biker gang just in front ofthe gates of the Botanical Garden in Shibpur, Howrah while he was walking with his family, wife and daughter on the night of Thursday. The 48 year old business man Babu Bagchi, was killed in the open when the public were all around the criminals.
After shopping and carrying a lot of gifts back home on the night of Thursday at 10:10 pm while they were walking back, a biker gang of 4 had come on two bikes and the pillion riders drew out the guns and shot Babu in the chest and the head from point blank range. The wife and the daughter had to see the extremely tragic event happening right in front of their eyes only a feet or two away from them. They had not suspected such an event happening at that time as the bikers took them on surprise. His daughter managed to escape uninjured.
All four of the bikers who wore helmets had escaped immediately after the drive-by. Bagchi was a powerful man with a timber business in the area. People valued his word in the surroundings. They have also started several protests on the roads which had to bring the RAF into the scene. Police are yet unsure of the murder being a political connection or merely business rivalry.
(AW- Anil)