According to the court papers the former neuroscience graduate James Holmes who was accused and arrested for the shootings at the screening of The Dark Knight Rises at the Aurora, Colorado was seeking treatment from a psychiatrist at his University.
This revelation was made on Friday in a defense motion. The motion was trying to find out the source of the leaks to the media about the information on a package that James Holmes sent to the psychiatrist.
The package contained a notebook with complete descriptions of the attack.
The package would not be revealed to the public since it contained sensitive information regarding the communications between Dr Lynne Fenton, the psychiatrist, and the accused James Holmes.
Fenton's office was contacted but they received no immediate response. On Monday the package was seized at the office after it was discovered at the mailroom of the University of Colorado, Denver.
James Holmes on the screening of The Dark Knight Rises on 20th July had open fired at the Aurora theatre wounding and killing several people. He was immediately arrested by the police.
(AW- Anil)