Grappling his way to the London Olympics from the slum of Jogeshiwari, Narsingh Yadav, Mumbai's Pehelwan, had won over the obstacles he has regardless of the situations he was faced with. He had been selected for the sporting extravaganza in the 74kg freestyle event. With the confidence exuberating in him, thanks to the gold medals from Commonwealth Games and Asian Games, the match on 10th August would be one memorable even in his lifetime. He is currently training at Belarus to face the finest wrestlers around the world upfront in a battle of brawn vs brain.
His father delivers milk to the adjacent locations of Yaadav Nagar Slum while the family over looks the cattlesheds. The house is relatively opulent compared to the other houses but the family doesn't welcome visitors to the house. When a repoter approaches their house Narshing's sister in law curly dismisses him.
Jagmal Singh had however hopes that he would do fairly well in the Olympics while he wished the opponents would not be from Russia and Iran. "For, these are formidable fighters," he says.
Narsingh had trained with him since 12 years and also lives at the hostel of the Sports Authority of India in Kandivili. 210 minutes of hardcore practice followed by a high protein diet apart from juices and nuts. Narsingh was a complete vegetarian until he had to consume eggs to keep up with the competetion.
(AW- Anil)