Sun sets on the 17-day sports carnival in London Olympics 2012. Curtains down at the closing ceremony held on Sunday, brought an end to the carnival. It was a mammoth exercise taken up once in four years while last year was at China, Beijing Olympics 2008 and the next will be at Brazil Rio de Janeiro Olympics 2016. This year London Olympics was a terror-free event, say sources. As London bids adieu, Brazil takes over to start building up the momentum for the next big event.
It was a sad end for global athletes who shared the athletic village at London. Most lived in harmony the last fortnight like brethren and this departure was painful. 10,500 sports persons from 200 or more countries took part in 300+ events and had a eventful time at the London Olympics. But as curtains came down it was a sad end to a tumultuous 17-day journey for the sports fraternity. The three-hour spectacle began with New Year-style Big Ben chimes counting down to 9:00pm (2000 GMT).
As per the medals tally the first place went to US with a mammoth haul of 104 medals in total. Of the 104 were 46 gold, were 29 silver and were 29 bronze. Followed by China with 87 medals, of which 38 gold, 27 silver and 22 bronze. In the third place Great Britain was pitted with 65 medals totally, of which 29 gold, 17 silver and 19 bronze. And India doubled its medals tally in comparison to the last Beijing games. India got 6 medals totally 2 silver and 4 bronze. However the gold desire eluded the nation of billions.
On Sunday singer-songwriter Barlow performance with his team was the main entertainment event at the closing ceremony. Barlow was commended for his performance inspite of his wife delivering a still born baby just a day earlier (Saturday). Putting commitment ahead of the personal disaster, he stole the hearts of the entire crowds at the closing ceremony.
In addition the closing ceremony titled "A Symphony of British Music" was an entertainment event, highlighting the country's pop prowess and versatility. The major performers included Queen, Take That and the Spice Girls performing in a meticulous planned music extravaganza beneath a colourful cracker display was a cynosure for all viewers. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)