A day after the release of Surjeet Singh from a jail in Pakistan, Bollywood actor Salman Khan came forward and pitched his voice in support of the release of another RAW agent, Sarabjit Singh, who has been behind the bars in Pakistan. The noted actor, Salman Khani is all set to appeal to the Pakistan people and media to press the government for the release of Sarabjit Singh.
It may be recalled that Sarabjit Singh was arrested nearly three decades ago. Salman Khan mentioned the same on twitter. He has requested the each and everyone in Pakistan including the media and the government stating that Sarabjit be sent back to his family after 30 years. It may be noted that when Pakistani officials confused over names and spelled out Sarabjit's name for the release (instead of Surjit), Sarabjit's family reportedly had no limits for their happiness but that did'nt last longer as Pak officials rectified their mistake and announced that Surjit would be released and not Sarabjit.
Expressing her anguish over the same besides requesting Indian authorities to show concern over the release of her son, Sarabjit's mother staged a protest at Jantar Mantar in Delhi and later she met external affairs minister S M Krishna. And today Salman Khan extended his support over the release of Sarabjit Singh.
AW Phani