Two Indian girls had a narrow escape in a plane crash in Khatmandu, which has claimed 18 lives on Monday. The lucky ones are among the six ones who were recovered alive from the debris of the flight that went down after it had hit a hillside in an attempt to land at Jomsom airport.
The Indian Embassy spokesperson, Apoorva Srivastav has told the media that the girls were out of danger and came into consciousness. She said it was not clear whether the parents of these young girls aged between six and nine years.
It has to be mentioned here that only three persons out of 21 aboard survived in the plane crash. The other persons survived was a 45-year-old. All the three were heading to holy shrine Muktinath temple.
Apoorva has also said that the Nepal government has pressed special teams to search for the mortal remains of the deceased to Katmandu. So far 15 bodies have been recovered from the site and they have been air lifted. (Phani)