The world’s largest family is Ziona Chana’s, who presides in Baktwang, India, and lives in a four-story house with 100 rooms. The family is of Ziona Chana, a construction worker, and the 181 members of his family include: him, 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren. Ziona belongs to and is the leader of the Christian Chana sect, which includes some 4,000 followers and permits polygamy.
Ziona’s youngest child is five years old and the 67-year-old family head insists that he is blessed.
“I consider myself a lucky man to be the husband of 39 women and head of the world’s largest family,” he told the media. There is a hierarchy of command reminiscent of military training at the family’s 100-room, four-story home.
First wife, Zathiangi, 71, organizes all the others when it comes to household chores. All of the wives in the family have to take turns sleeping in Ziona’s double bed, which has proven to be an extremely fertile sleeping place.
He even married ten women in one year, when he was at his most prolific, and enjoys his own double bed while his wives have to make do with sharing. He keeps the youngest women near to his bedroom with the older members of the family sleeping further away - and there is a rotation system for who visits Ziona's bedroom.
Rinkmini, one of Ziona's wives, who is 35, said: ‘We stay around him as he is the most important person in the house. He is the most handsome person in the village.
For a single meal, they pluck 30 chickens; peel 132 potatoes and boil up to 22 kilos of rice. He is believed to be doing this in order to expand his sect. Family compound has its own school, playground, carpentry workshops, piggery and poultry farms and a veg garden
His marriages seem to be almost noble, as many of his wives were formerly poor and orphaned village women.