Doctors at the Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre in Chennai are said to be performing dialysis to the super star Rajanikanth who was admitted to the hospital last Saturday, according to reports.
Rajani underwent a minor lung surgery on Monday for clearing the fluid accumulation from his body and to make his lungs free of congestion. Now, super star will not have any breathing problems, said reports quoting the doctors of the hospital.
Agency reports on Monday said medical tests had showed Rajani’s creatinine at a higher level resulting in renal disorders that contributed to the frequent respiratory problems. Latest reports, however, say that Rajinikanth is doing fine and the doctors have advised him complete bed rest. No visitors are allowed to call on him since this morning.
Rajani underwent a minor lung surgery on Monday for clearing the fluid accumulation from his body and to make his lungs free of congestion. Now, super star will not have any breathing problems, said reports quoting the doctors of the hospital.
Agency reports on Monday said medical tests had showed Rajani’s creatinine at a higher level resulting in renal disorders that contributed to the frequent respiratory problems. Latest reports, however, say that Rajinikanth is doing fine and the doctors have advised him complete bed rest. No visitors are allowed to call on him since this morning.