Atleast from past one week, Rajni’s fans from the entire nation are worried to know how Superstar’s health is. Rajni was admitted in the Hospital a week ago, on the day of his new film ‘Rana’ movie launch. It seems he has reduced 15 kilos for ‘Rana’ within a span of 15 days. At the age of 60, this had a major effect on Rajni’s health. It seems he is adviced for a complete rest, atleast for 15 days.
Meanwhile, there were many rumors about Rajni’s Health that he is on ventilators and some even said that Super Star is no more. Others said all this is a ‘Chandramukhi’ effect as the Spirit of ‘Chandramukhi’ is not leaving him.
According to the Medical Bulletin released by the Hospital Doctors, Rajni’s health condition is stable now. He needs a bit rest and should not experiment with his health. News that is coming from various sources stating Rajni Kanth’s health condition is completely not true. It is because of the Bad food habits and not taking proper care of his health, Rajni’s health is disturbed and there is no ‘Chandramukhi’ effect.
We wish Super Star to get well soon!