After the Seals moved into the building, Amal saw them and shrieked out Osama’a name in fear but she also tried to obstruct the movement of the American attackers who shot her sending bullets into her leg.
One more woman was actually caught in the cross fire and died but she was not Osama’s wife, according to a statement by the Whitehouse. The statement said that the killed woman could well be the wife of the Laden’s courier, Sheikh Abu Ahamed who also died in the raid.
Reports said that that the Yemen born Al-Sadah was married to Osama when she was just 17 and fiercely loyal to her husband. Their wedding, which took place in Afghanistan, was reportedly arranged by the followers of Laden to strengthen the al-Qaida chief’s links with the Gulf.
After marriage, Laden sent her back to Yemen for her safety but she came back to him again. She reportedly told American officials that she had been living in the mansion since 2005.
After marriage, Laden sent her back to Yemen for her safety but she came back to him again. She reportedly told American officials that she had been living in the mansion since 2005.