Pets, especially dogs, do not like to stay away from their human friends for too long. They want to tag along with you on your business on town. When you give in and take the tail waggers to where ever it is you're going, is it necessary to take a few pointers to make the experience more enjoyable and less anxious.
Be it a car, a scooter or an auto, as we sometimes see in Hyderabad, dogs stick their tongue and neck out to catch the air. As the auto is zipping by, unmindful of the traffic and in a race against time for no particular reason, that furry head is in danger of hitting a passing vehicle. Keep an eye on your pet to avoid road accidents.
There is also the risk of them jumping out suddenly in pursuit of an unseen object. Prevent such incidents by locking the car door, so that the pet doesn't open it by accident. In the case of a scooter ride, ensure a tight hold.
When in a car, keep the air conditioner at a warm temperature since certain dogs cannot tolerate the cold air from the AC. Car owners have the additional responsibility of making the dog finish his potty business before the ride to avoid any emergencies that may stink up the seats.
Before taking him out, check for any food items lying around the car. You wouldn't want a mess as your loving ball of energy makes a beeline for the chips and treats.