There is always that one person with whom you just can't get along with. Far from being unpleasant, two people can simply be a bad combination in the same room. It is neither person's fault, but the gross mismatch of two personalities.
To handle that person, one needs a lot of patience. To make it a little easier, we have jotted down a few points that may help you in the crucial moment when the sparks are flying.
Think from a third person perspective to isolate the problem from the person.
Use positive reinforcements in discussions such as 'I have an issue' rather than 'you have a problem.'
Appreciate the person whenever the opportunity arises
Have documentation and proofs before picking a fight
Do not get personal, however the person may get on your nerves
Give thought for your own faults before pointing others faults
Take a moment to breathe and calm down
If speaking calmly does not work, confront the person where there aren't too many ears listening to your outburst. If that too doesn't work, take the issue to the superiors who will handle the situation better as a non-biased judge.
(AW: Sruthi)