Thing only your home needs a springtime scrub-down? Like your pad, even your skin and hair can benefit from spring-cleaning. Summer means rising temperature, more time out in the sun, more exposure, more tan, more sweat, and more pesky allergens. We tell you how to keep your skin squeaky clean this summer and flaunt a glowing, soft, happy skin all through.
Winter may be gone. But that doesn't mean you put away the moisturizer yet. No matter how oily your skin tends to get during summertime, it's important to pamper it with some moisturizer. Lather up with gentle, moisturizing body wash and ensure to slather light, water-based moisturizer once you are out of the shower.
Summer skincare calls for gentler products. So choose your exfoliator wisely. Steer clear of all abrasive ingredients like retinoids and hydroxy acids and go for microbeads to scrub off the dead skin and reveal a radiant you.
Like everything else, your makeup comes with an expiry date too. Sp spring clan your vanity case. Rinse your makeup brushes. Shelve the heavy creams and foundations and go for light summery makeup.
(AW: Suchorita Choudhury)