How to get rid of blackheads October 07, 2012 09:46
Here are some sure shot ways to remove blackheads through some quick fix methods. Squeeze them out: Warming your skin makes the pores expand, making it easier to squeeze out the blackheads. You can do this by taking a warm shower or applying a hot compress to the affected areas. Use an extractor tool or bobby pin to force it out. Be careful with these methods, and if you experience serious pain, try something else. Use Toothpaste: Apply an inch-sized amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush. Wet the toothbrush and wet the affected area. Gently with your toothbrush, scrub the affected area for a short period of time. Make sure you do not apply it too close to the eyes, as the vapours from methanol toothpastes can irritate the eyes. If you have nose blackheads, apply an even smaller amount of toothpaste, and keep clear from eyes. Always sterilise the toothbrush with boiling-hot water after following this method. Lime juice: Make a lotion with equal parts of lime juice, almond oil and glycerin. Apply your lotion to your face. It will not only cure blackheads but the discolouring spots on the face too. Steam and moisturise: Put a hot towel over your face for 10 minutes. Letting it sit will bring the black heads to the surface. Wash with warm water and natural face wash. Close pores with cold water and apply oil-free moisturiser.
Read MoreCan a shrink cure your acne? October 06, 2012 10:04
Acne-prone people could benefit from seeing a psychotherapist! Forget about breaking the bank over expensive visits to dermatologists or exorbitantly priced skin products. The new mantra to clear skin could come from a simple visit to your shrink! An emerging field of study, called psychodermatology, explains how people with chronic adult acne could benefit from seeing a psychotherapist, based on the fact that emotions adversely affect our appearance. How it worksPsychologist Dr Seema Hingoranny says, "Thoughts, emotions and feelings have manifestations in the physical form. Stress is also a proven precipitant of acne and disturbs the epidermal permeability barrier, causing inflammatory disorders like atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. I have many youngsters who come with acne problems, which a dermatologist has failed to treat. We have been successful at treating them because we have dealt with the disturbing memories stored in the brain." Since stress is one of the biggest culprits in dermatology, the two branches of psychology and dermatology go hand in hand, says dermatologist Dr Swati Shrivastava. "Many patients have come to me during divorces, break-ups or work tensions with a breakout of pimples. Due to high stress levels, people tend to pick on zits, resulting in a condition called acne excorie. It is essential for such people to get rid of negative feelings. A skin shrink could help do that." 'Saves time, money and pain!'TV actress Mona Singh is all for the concept of such a healer. "I think emotions can affect the face and body. I have been reading this book called Heal Your Life that says every cell in the body has a soul. We need the power of positive thought, as cells resist growth when there is negativity. A skin shrink saves time, money and pain, so go for it!" Adds actress Shamita Shetty, "I know that while acne is hereditary, if you're extremely stressed you do break out. When I am stressed I get rashes, so the state of mind does have an influence on the skin. It's very interesting to hear that a psychologist can talk you into glowing skin. I am sure people will make time for it; whatever works, I guess!" she says.
Read MoreHome remedies to cure dandruff October 05, 2012 09:40
Dandruff is a common complaint, especially in the winters. Since most people wash their hair with warm water during the winter season, this often causes the scalp to become dryn and flaky. Here are a few home remedies you could try to get rid of dry as well as sticky dandruff: -Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek (methi) seeds in water overnight. Grind into a fine paste in the morning, apply on the scalp and leave for half an hour. Wash off, preferably with a soap-nut (ritha) solution. Use the water in which the seeds were soaked as an after-shower hair tonic. Follow this regimen twice a week for the first two weeks and once a week for another two weeks. -Squeeze a teaspoon of fresh lime juice into the last rinse while washing your hair. -Make a paste of lemon juice and fuller's earth and apply this mixture to the scalp once a week. -Keep curd in the open for three days and massage your hair with it for half an hour before washing. -Mix cider vinegar with equal quantities of water and dab onto the scalp with cotton wool before washing.
Read MoreTomatoes for a sunburn-free, youthful skin October 04, 2012 11:09
Tomatoes are a staple in every kitchen but hardly will you hear anyone extolling its cosmetic benefits. Whether you want to cure large pores or reduce acne and rashes or sooth a nasty sunburn or simply to revive the glow on dull skin, tomatoes are beneficial in many homemade beauty treatments. Not only do tomatoes taste great but they also keep the skin healthy. It is necessary to consume tomatoes as they have lycopene, which is an antioxidant and hence works as a sunscreen from within. These antioxidants make tomato an anti-aging product as they help in fighting cellular damage and reddening of skin. It is recommended to have at least 16 milligrams of lycopene per day as they reduce the number of free radicals in the body and also help to retain the moisture in people who are used to sitting in air-conditioned environs. You don't need to spend your hard-earned money on expensive cosmetic treatments if you follow these simple steps to get healthy-looking skin: Big pores? Shrink ThemBig pores provide easy access to dirt and grime thus increasing the chances of infecting the pore. Take a tablespoon of fresh tomato juice. Add two to four drops of fresh lime juice to this. Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture on your face. Massage it in circular motions. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then wash off with cool water. Regular application will shrink pores greatly. Acne healingThe acidity in tomatoes helps in reducing and clearing up your acne. Vitamin A and vitamin C are commonly found in a lot of acne medicines and tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. If you have mild acne, cut a tomato in half and apply the inside on your face. For severe acne mash a fresh tomato and use the pulp as a pack on the face. Leave it on for an hour. Rinse it off and moisturise. Do this on a regular basis or as many times as you can. Your acne is bound to dry off soon. AstringentIf you have oily skin and struggle to keep your face from shining like a fried papad, tomato is the solution to your agony. Crush a fresh tomato and strain it. Make a little cucumber juice and add it to the tomato juice. Apply this juice with a cotton ball daily to control excessive oiliness and acne. Good to eat, great to cleanA tomato and avocado mask works wonders on combination skin. This is because tomato works as an astringent as well as a blackhead and oil-reducing agent while avocados have an antiseptic and moisturising effect. A pack of mashed tomatoes and avocados help in soothing and cleansing combination skin (oily and dry), as they are rich in vitamin A, C and E. Apply this pack and wash off after 20 o 30 minutes with lukewarm water. Burns no moreSummer is fast approaching and with harsh summer comes burnt, inflamed skin. A lot of people's skin gets sunburnt, raw and itchy due to exposure to the sun. Crush half a tomato and mix it with two tablespoons of plain yogurt. Apply this concoction on face, neck, hands and feet. Wash it off after 20 minutes. Tomato cools the skin and neutralises the surface while yogurt gives it a much needed protein boost while leaving it soft and supple. Glowing skinMix honey with tomato juice until you get a thick paste. Apply this mixture and wash off after 15 minutes for smooth and glowing skin.
Read MoreSix common foot problems October 03, 2012 11:24
Here's how you can fix six common foot problems Statistics show that millions of women suffer problems with their feet, while one in five men suffer foot pain most days. Here's the low-down on the most common foot problems and how to beat them. Corns and callusesWhat are they? Thick, hardened layers of skin that develop on bony areas of the feet caused by ill-fitting shoes that rub and can be painful.Prevent it: Avoid shoes that are too tight or have very high heels, which compress areas or those that are too loose, as your foot will slide and rub. Remove hardened skin with a pumice stone.Treat it: If the corn is very painful, see a chiropodist. They can remove the corns or, in more serious cases, may fit you for orthotic insoles that sit in your shoes and will correct any imbalance in the way you walk. BunionsWhat are they? Painful bony swellings at the base of the big toe, which can be a result of shoes that cramp the feet. Bunions can run in families. Treat it: You can buy pads that ease pressure on the big toe joint, along with orthotic insoles that help the feet work properly. In severe cases, surgery can remove swollen tissue and part of the bone. Prevent it: Make sure your shoes don't squash your toes together-there should be space between the tip of your toes and the end of the shoe. Avoid heels higher than two inches for long periods. VerrucasWhat are they? Verrucas are warts caused by a viral infection found on the soles of the feet or between toes. Some can start as a small pink area with a few black dots, which develops into a larger, brown area with hardened skin. Treat it: If it is large or painful, a chiropodist can freeze the area to kill the virus. Prevent it: The virus thrives swimming pools and communal showers, so it pays to always wear flip-flops until you're in the water. Athlete's footWhat is it? A fungal infection that causes sore, itchy patches of skin between the toes, which then crack and flake. It may have an unpleasant smell and toenails can become infected, thick and brown. Treat it: If the toenail is infected, see a chiropodist so they can file down the nail and prescribe a topical solution to fight the infection.Prevent it: Change your socks or tights daily, and don't wear the same shoes two days in a row. Sandals also help as they allow air to circulate between the toes. Fallen archesWhat are they? This common complaint happens as the arch of the foot collapses and becomes flat. It can cause painful, achy feet and calves. Treat it: Pain relief and special insoles. In severe cases, surgery may be required. Prevent it: Avoid high heels for long periods. Because heels cause your tendons to tighten, your ankle can't bend properly, and so the tendons in your foot arch to try to compensate and can break or collapse. Ingrown toenailsWhat are they? When growing nails become painfully imbedded in the skin at the sides. Treat it: Soaking feet in saltwater can prevent infection and reduce swelling.Prevent it: Don't cut your toenails too short-follow the outline of your toe and file away any sharp edges.
Read MoreHome remedies for dry hair October 02, 2012 10:08
We can do a lot to prevent hair from becoming dry and brittle during winter season. Read onIt is a fact that hair becomes dry during the winter season. While we cannot escape the seasonal vagaries, we can do a lot to prevent our hair from becoming dry and brittle during the season. Here are a few tips to keep you in good stead. -It is best to avoid hair colouring and ironing during the season. However, if that is next to impossible, at least avoid shampooing during the season. -Massage the scalp using hot oil. You can either use coconut oil or olive oil for best results -Do not wash your hair in hot water as it can increase the dryness of the scalp, resulting in flaking and scaling of the skin of the scalp. Use lukewarm water instead and shampoo hair only once or twice a week. -Use a shampoo and a separate hair conditioner. And leave the conditioner on the tip of the hair avoiding the roots for at least 10 to 15 minutes to moisturise the hair and prevent hair fall. -The stench apart, beer is a great hair conditioner and so is coconut milk. For a protein packed conditioner, mix eggs and yogurt and rub it into your scalp. Leave on for five or 10 minutes, then wash it off completely. -A haircut doesn't always have to lead to a new style. Trim off dead ends if your hair is too dry to rejuvenate your hair.
Read MoreFacials: Good Or Bad For You? October 01, 2012 10:41
Most of the women start going for facials as soon as they enter their 20's. They do this due to multiple reasons. But, most importantly people vary in their opinions and experience about the goodness of facials. Some say that facials do good while some are strictly against this opinion. Here are few reasons due to which you consider facials to be either good or bad. Damages Skin Cells- Facials are bad for your skin as they do considerable damage to the skin cells. It is very different from a face pack you regularly use at your home. The creams and the masks that are used in a salon contain lot of chemicals that potentially damages the skin. This causes a considerable damage to the skin cells and can make your skin rough and damaged. Ages You Early- Are you go for regular facial because of a bad skin? but, a facial seems to be good initially as it gives you temporary relief from skin pigmentation and dryness. This process damages the natural elasticity of the skin and causes it to loosen up untimely. Facial is not that good for your skin as it will only make you age early. Spots- Many a times some electronic procedures and harmful bleach is used to make the skin look more glowing and fairer. This does no good and the result you find are only temporary and not long lasting. Such treatments does not suit all skin types an you end up in developing rashes and marks on the skin. Allergies- There are many facials available in salons and parlours. You never know what is going to suit you and what not. If you end up in doing the wrong facial then you might get allergy or develop skin rashes. Thus it is better to do a test behind your ears to understand what you are tolerant to. Cleanses- Facial is not always bad. In fact facials are good too in a sense that your skin is cleansed off all the dirt and impurities. Your skin is thus cleaned and you develop less pimples. Thus if you want a pimple free skin go for a good herbal facial at least once a month. Blackheads- If you do not cleanse or scrub your skin for long then you develop blackheads. The skin gets clogged and you look dull. The best way to get rid of blackheads is to go for a facial. This is good as the blackheads are always cleaned off before a facial. Decide on the both bad and good effects of a facial if you want to get a good and healthy skin.
Read MoreMakeup Styles For A White Dress September 28, 2012 12:43
White is a universally accepted bridal colour. It is also one of the common colours worn to work or formal occasions. There is also an element of festivity in white. So white is a colour that can be interpreted in a million of ways. That is why there are numerous ways to do makeup with a white dress. Each of these makeup styles will give you a different look. Here are 4 plain ways to do makeup with a white dress. The Bridal Look: A bride must never do makeup with very bright colours. A soft, toned down look with nude colours is the best look for the bride. So, use a white eyeliner over the black kohl to highlight your eyes. Use a peach coloured lipstick and the same shade of rouge for your cheeks. You can add some fake eye lashes to make your eyes look dainty. The Corporate Look: White is one of safest colours to wear for an important meeting at work. However, you must follow the right makeup style to make it look good. A shade of brown on your lips will just look great. Use a coffee brown or cocoa brown shade as your eyeliner. Kohl does not look professional so skip it. Use a skin-toned eye shadow and very little or no rouge. Party Look: If you are going out to a nightclub then its going to be totally dark with occasional flashes of light. White will make you shine above the clutter. But, makeup for a white dress that is worn to a club has to be sizzling. Use red lipstick to its full potential to give yourself pouty lips. A glitter blue eyeliner is a cool way to highlight your eyes. Use lots of gold dust, bronze and copper in this makeup style. Your makeup should reflect light and glitter in the dark! Family Dinner Look: White is one of the most versatile colours that you can wear. So when your mother-in-law organises a family dinner, choose white. Team up your white dress with makeup that looks domestic. Pink and peach are some good colours to use for a family dinner. Ditch the red lipstick, its too sexy and go for a mild and more feminine pink. Your rouge too should be peach-pink shade. Use a shinny pink shade for eyeshadow. Use plain black kohl to draw your eyes to look like a domestic goddess. You can use the white eyeliner here too. Will add some 'oomph' to the otherwise plain look. These are some different styles of makeup to try with a white dress. Which one do you think will suit you the most?
Read MoreWhite teeth, Naturally!!! September 27, 2012 12:39
Not all teeth are naturally white, but all of us surely love white teeth. Teeth is one such thing on our face that cannot be accentuated artificially, they have to be good naturally... Here are some great home remedies for all women who wish to have white teeth without a lot of pain or cost involved. These remedies won’t turn your yellow teeth to white instantly but their prolonged and regular use can lighten the shade of your teeth over a period. Strawberries Well, we know only about their single use, which is eating them. But there is more to it. Strawberries contain agents for teeth whitening; I wonder why they don’t make strawberry toothpastes and only make strawberry face washes and lip balms. The strawberry seeds work greatly for teeth cleaning. But yes, it is very important that you brush your teeth immediately after using them. All you need to do is, cut them and rub them on your teeth. You can also mash them, apply it to your toothbrush, and brush out your teeth with it. OR mix strawberry pulp with a pinch of baking soda and brush your teeth with the mixture. Vinegar Dilute vinegar and water and rinse your mouth with it. Other than these there are a few essential things to do for keeping you teeth sparkling white • Brush your teeth daily. Twice a day is great.• Floss your teeth regularly.• Quit alcohol and smoking. • Again the caffeine, keep it aside.• Use a straw for drinking beverages; this avoids direct contact with the teeth.• Have cosmetic cleaning done, like once a while, it’s pretty affordable. So that’s all with teeth cleaning. Hope these tips work for you.
Read MoreMustard Oil Body Massage Benefits September 26, 2012 12:19
We all know the health benefits of mustard oil. Do you know that mustard oil can be used as an effective beauty product to get a glowing skin and thick hair? Mustard oil is made out of mustard seeds extract. Many people in India have the habit to massage their body with mustard oil. This traditional body massage can be very useful for your body and skin. If you want to use mustard oil to get a relaxing body and head massage, then you are on the right track. Find out how... Benefits of Mustard Oil Body Massage: Cleanses: One of the beauty benefits of mustard oil is that it cleanses the skin. Massage the face with mustard oil twice a week to remove dirt from the skin. Rub gently on the joints, neck and feet to get a clean and glowing skin naturally. Do not mix mustard oil with any other ingredient. Just warm mustard oil if you are suffering from body pain or cold. Mustard oil massage benefits the body deeply as it relieves pain and makes you relax. Moisturises: Massaging the body with mustard oil moisturises the skin. You can retain the moisture of the skin by using mustard oil as a natural beauty product. Add few drops of mustard oil to your face pack to get a shiny and moisturised skin at home! If you are just using mustard oil, gently massage the face and neck in circular motion for 1-3 minutes and then go in the reverse motion. Leave for 10 minutes and then wash with a face wash to get a fresh glowing skin. Increases hair growth: Mustard oil is not just a beauty product that is good for the skin. In many parts of India, head massage with mustard oil is a daily routine. This is a traditional method to get strong hair roots and increase hair growth. It is also believed that mustard oil also prevents the hair from greying. Massage your head with warm mustard oil after a hectic and stressful day. You will feel mentally relaxed and all the stress will go away within minutes. If you do not like the pungent strong smell of mustard oil, mix it will almond or coconut oil to enjoy its benefits. Glowing skin: Want to get a glowing and flawless skin? Then mustard oil is an answer. Mix mustard oil with besan (Bengal gram flour), curd and few drops of lemon juice. Apply this face mask on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Do this twice or thrice a week to remove tan, dark spots and get a glowing skin naturally. These are few amazing beauty benefits of mustard oil. Include this kitchen oil as a secret to get a glowing skin and strong black hair naturally!
Read MoreHow To Get Rid Of Waxing Blues? September 25, 2012 13:05
Waxing is one of the safest methods to remove unwanted body hair. Waxing really hurts and this is common because the hair follicles are pulled out with the melted or cold wax. The best part is that, the pain lasts for hardly few minutes or maximum an hour. However, this method of hair removal is very painful and can cause few skin problems. Every time you wax, your skin will burn and pain. Why women suffer from waxing blues? It is extremely painful: One of the side effects of this waxing method is, it is very painful. Women get scared to go for waxing. The wax is applied on the skin and then pulled with a strip. The hair is pulled out form its roots and this causes a sudden pain that lasts for few minutes. Causes skin rashes: Waxing has few side effects on the skin. Few women complain of getting skin rashes after waxing. These rashes are temporary and will go if you rub ice cubes or an astringent. Skin rashes occur when the skin is too sensitive. However, if your skin burn or feel itchy then do consult a doctor. Waxing bumps look ugly: Most of the women get waxing bumps on the skin even after waxing. These bumps occur because the hair follicle is pulled out. This sores the root and waxing bumps appear on the skin. Few hair follicles and skin cells damage and thus small bumps appear on the skin. How to get rid of the waxing blues? It is long lasting: One of the benefits of waxing is, it is long lasting. You can wax once and the effect will be there for almost a month. In short, the pain will be just for an hour or so. Other hair removal methods like shaving or applying hair removal creams are just temporary and wont last more than a week. Doesn't darken skin: If you are scared to go for waxing then think again. This method of removing unwanted body hair is good for removing sun tan. Get a wax once and see how fair your skin looks. Many beauticians believe that waxing helps you get rid of sun tan and also removes dead skin cells. Choose the right waxing method: Chocolate waxing for example is less painful and can be a great rescue for women who suffer from waxing blues. However, chocolate waxing is little expensive and can't be easily done at home. Treat pain: The waxing pain is temporary. Rub ice cubes or take an aspirin 30-40 minutes before waxing. It reduces the waxing pain. Do you suffer from waxing blues? How do you deal with it? Share with us. But, if your skin get scars and doesn't go, consult a doctor. Waxing doesn't suit every skin type. Moreover, do not wax at home unless you are well rehearsed with this method of hair removal.
Read MoreCan you prevent Acne??? September 24, 2012 18:12
Although there is no surefire way to prevent acne, try these tips to help reduce the number and severity of your breakouts: Washing your skin is essential (it helps remove excess surface oils and dead skin cells that can clog your pores), but washing too much can actually cause damage by over drying your skin or irritating existing acne. Remember to wash after exercising because sweat can clog your pores and make your acne worse. If you work around greasy food or oil or if you've been sweating from heat or because you've been working hard, wash your face and other acne-prone areas as soon as possible. If you use skin products, such as lotions or makeup, look for ones that are noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic, which means that they don't clog pores. If you can't live without your hair spray or styling gel, be sure to keep them away from your face as much as possible. Many hair products contain oils that can make acne worse. Try to use water-based products. If you get acne on areas such as your chest or back, avoid wearing tight clothes, which can rub and cause irritation. For some people, over-the-counter (OTC) products work to help clear up acne. It may take some time to find one that works best for you - some may not do the trick and others may cause irritation. OTC acne products come in different strengths. The most popular and effective OTC acne-fighting ingredient is benzoyl peroxide. Another ingredient, salicylic acid, can help to dry up pimples. If you find OTC products aren't working for you, it's best to seek a doctor's advice. A doctor can prescribe special gels or creams, pills, or a combination of both. It may feel a bit awkward or embarrassing to talk about your acne with someone, but your doctor is trained to help get your skin looking its best. What about pimples you already have? It's tempting, but popping or squeezing a pimple usually won't get rid of the problem. Squeezing can actually push infected material and pus further into the skin, which can lead to more swelling and redness (not what you want before a big date!), and even scarring, which can be permanent. Eating nutritious foods can help keep you healthy, of course, and your skin will benefit from getting enough vitamins and minerals. But the bottom line is that you don't need to be obsessive about what you eat or how often you wash your face to control acne. If you don't find an OTC product that works for you, talk to your doctor or a dermatologist for some advice on living through the acne years.
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