Regular hand care for beautiful hands December 12, 2012 19:32
Caring for your hands is not anexhausting process and sparing a few minutes everyday will help keeping your hands soft and new. Mentioned below are some tips for hand care which can be done at home. Avoid any damage to skin on your hands by wearing gloves while doing any household work such as washing the dishes, gardening. The skin on your hands can misplace moisture and get premature wrinkles when visibleto daily to chores which involve water, detergents, chemicals or dirt. Make moisturizing your hands a part of your daily schedule, make a habit of moisturizing your hands before you get in bed at night. If your nails tend to chip check for nutritional deficiency. Except for that, using nail hardener will be a great option to make them stronger. If your hands have become awfully dry and rough, massaging them with a good moisturizer or warm olive oil before getting in bed can help vastly.
Read MoreAre you treating your hair loss? December 10, 2012 10:36
What more pathetic could it be than losing your hair more than regular??? You must have tried all those hair growing products, be it naturally or at the saloon. of course, its not like 'nothing is working'. but, you can also include the following in your trails and increasing your hair growth, fast; Massage your hair with the expert suggested oil, as frequent as possible. just concentrate on growing your hair from the roots. Remember; message your hair at least 2 hours before going to bed, even if you have taking a head bath next day morning. The ingredients in the oil should be absorbed in the scalp to benefit your hair growth. Don't frequently change you shampoo… you can try some products but this trail being frequent can change your hair growth structure to the worst… also, do not expect that oil or shampoo or hair growth treatment to work wonders for you, right from day one… you need to have some patience to see wonders. Use a mild shampoo. also remember to use a conditioner, as your hair requires that 'extra' care. washing and cleaning up your hair, scalp is important, but do take an expert opinion on how frequent your head baths have to be… scalp conditions also will differ from person to person. Healthy lifestyle, food intake, sleep habits, daily routine to be on time and on a regular schedule are a ‘must’ for not only you to be healthy, but even your hair to grow and be healthy. There are some other reasons or heredity factors that can curb your hair growth. so, wake up. take an expert advice and treat your hair fall problem right.
Read MoreSoft and Beautiful Hands December 08, 2012 13:04
Hands give a picture of several things about us. It will tell how you take care of your body, life and how old you are getting. Good maintenance of the hands is very important. Few hand care tips for you: We need to moisturize our hands at least four times a day. We have to use your face exfoliator on our hands once a week for better maintenance. Before going to bed, it essential that we apply our face cream on to our hands at least once a week. For dry hands after washing our hands with soap, wet them again, pour salt on your hands and then scrub them under water. Dry hands and apply moisturizer on them. If you hands are greasy, wash them and rub cornmeal on them. Wear rubber gloves while working at home and in the garden. Protect your hands while working in the sun. The best way to take care of your hands is to protect them on a daily basis. For Soft and beautiful hands, have a small hand massage. To stimulate blood circulation in your hands, rub your palm of one hand to back of other hand and then repeat this treatment with other hand. This movement of your hands is best to keep your hands warm. A massage with olive oil is one of the best ways to keep our hands soft and healthy.
Read MoreBe young for a long time... December 06, 2012 17:44
We all love to look and be young forever... well, this is not possible so we tend to delay all those signs of aging as much as possible... we use all those beauty products, spend on special treatments, and do what not, to look young and beautiful... with all these, here are some tips to be followed in your food intake, that can delay the signs of aging, naturally; Vinegar is very beneficial to women's health. Adding some vinegar in the diets can effectively slow down vascular sclerosis. And if you are worried about the taste, just add this as a part of your cooking regime. Milk is not a fat... you end up drinking only a cup of milk so it should really matter to your weight increase instead, milk plays an important role in skin beauty, providing adequate amount of Calcium required for skin and body. Start your day with a glass of water and end your day with the same... this may sound routine and boring to you, but really makes a difference in clearing all that extra dirt from your body that would cause aging soon and maintaining your skin to glowing. In today's world were being beautiful completely natural has become impossible, there is no harm in taking a multi vitamin tablet each day to supplement with all those required vitamins in your body. A cup of tea or coffee every day will never cause a negative affect for you... anything taken in limit is always good for your health... instead, these drinks would help you relax and cope up with the lost energy. Have a tomato every day... eat it row... tomato contains excess amount of Vitamin C, that helps in keeping your skin young and healthy and delays the signs of aging.
Read MoreFor a fairer skin... December 06, 2012 10:31
All of us wish to look beautiful. Various people truly want to appear fair. They define beauty by their fairness. Of course there are people who desire a darker shade to look sexier. Nevertheless, this hub is for those who truly want to become fair. These are things that you can do simply without any kind of medical usage to become fairer. You can do these things at home. Firstly, let me focus on things that we are usuallythoughtless of. Due to busy life, we are likely to neglect this fact. Becertain that you have your sunscreen arranged before you go out. Even if you are wearing a sun mask be sure not to stay in the sun for a lengthy time. Carry an umbrella every day. UV rays are to blame for the production of melanin from your melanocytes. Melanin is the pigment that makes our skin dark. So, if you don’t want to activate your melanocytes stay away from the UV rays of sun. Make sure you consume vitamins. Vitamins are anti-oxidants that are required for your body. Anti - oxidants can help you postpone your ageing. This can make your skin look young. This will benefit you in the process of fairness. That is why these days there are products stating that there are anti-oxidants existing in them. Cleansing can help you remove dirt from your skin. This can also help to clearadditional oil. Washing your face with anti-bacterial products can be surelyuseful if you want clear and glowing skin. Make sure the skin products are of great quality and suit your skin. Make up will surely clog your pores which would lead to the disaster of excess oil. Even if you wipe your face with the nearest towel, make sure you cleanse your face properly and in a mannered way.
Read MoreDreaming for a clear and clean skin? December 03, 2012 13:00
Smooth and clear skin is our dream, irrespective of our gender. Smooth and clear skin is a big turn on... but, these skin rashes are definitely a hurdle to our beauty... let's fight against these rashes with the following beauty tips; Olive Oil is the best medicine, for the immediate relief to get rid of rashes… applying olive oil, gives the relief from the itching because of rashes and cures them, without scars. Applying aloe vera gel is another best remedy to get rid of the negative effects caused by the rash... Keep a check on water you are drinking and food you are eating... more than food, water intake has a power to enhance the beauty as well as cause the rashes, if the water is not pure. You can also; Dip a cotton cloth in calcium water or comfrey and keep it on the affected areas. It gives calming effect and also reduces inflammation. Try oatmeal bath... Add a cup of uncooked oatmeal to bathwater and immerse your body into it. this tip can give you immediate relief when followed and cure your rash, instantly. Remember, if after trying all these, you do not find your rashes being reduced, don't think twice to consult a Doctor...
Read MoreTips for proper moisturizing December 01, 2012 11:22
Dry skin is a problem faced by many of us during winter. Everyone prefers applying a moisturizer. But finding the right one which suits your skin and which stays day long is more important. Step in to a store and you will find hundreds of choices in front of you right from petroleum jelly to designer skin moisturizer. But choosing the right one for you may be a bit confusing looking at too many options in front of you. If you follow a set of guidelines, it is quite simple to choose the best moisturizer for your skin. Thumb rule in finding the moisturizer: 'Do Not Spend too much money'. Many of us like this. Finding the right one may take some trial and error sampling, so we need to be a bit patient in finalizing on one. 1. Please Note the first 5 ingredients Look for common active ingredients, such as lanolin, glycerin, or petrolatum. Glycerin is less likely than lanolin to cause an allergic reaction 2. Pick up added sunscreen You'll have to do some searching, but buy a moisturizer with a sun protection factor of at least 30 3. Choose based on your skin type The skin on our face is thinner and more sensitive, so it's a good idea to use a different moisturizer on our face than we do on our body. Buy one that’s labeled "non-comedogenic" because it won't clog your pores. For a sensitive skin, look for a moisturizer labeled hypoallergenic. For oily skin, go with a light, oil-free moisturizer. For a dry skin, get something richer. 4. Consider a moisturizer with retinol before bed. Retinol is vitamin A for your skin. You can find it over the counter or by prescription, but use it carefully as it may cause a skin irritation, red skin, or dry skin Once you find the right product all you need to do is apply it every day for effective results.
Read MoreUnder arm care! November 28, 2012 18:15
If you believe beauty is not just for your face or skin, but the entire body, then underarms are also inclusive. We have seen many celebs that are picture perfect from top to toe but forget to take care of their underarms... Especially if you dress in sleeveless, then under arm care is even more important. And for this; Pamper your underarms as well... be with a body lotion and with the help of a loofah, just take some extra time out while taking bath and clean up your under arms... this way, the uneven skin tone of your underarms will merge with the tone of your body soon and help you get perfect underarms... Removing unwanted underarm hair frequently. Now, this is what a challenging task is. Why challenging is because of the time factor and also not able to choose a proper cream that would suit your skin type. If needed consult a skin expert who could help you with a best way in choosing a hair removal method of your underarms... remember the skin in and around your underarms is sensitive as well. Never ever use all those sprays and deo's that have huge chemical ingredients... after all, underarms are a part of your skin and how can a skin take high chemical? Just stick on to all those alcohol free mild perfumes and deo’s that would enhance your fragrance, at least not at the cost of your under arms...
Read MoreBoundary less expression... November 27, 2012 18:10
Dark circles are a bothersome condition to most people because they spoil the beauty of your face. They are caused by many reasons such as allergies, heredity and several other factors. Whatever may be the cause, dark circles do not look good. These dark circles can be treated easily with some natural remedies. Application of potato or cucumber juice over the eyes using a cotton ball also removes dark circles. Mix tomato and lemon juice and apply it over the dark circles two times a day. This is one of the good home remedies for dark circles. Combine some mint leaves, salt and lemon juice in tomato juice and drink it. This is a good drink for dark circles. If you are going out, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Mix turmeric powder and pineapple juice to make a paste. Apply this paste on dark circles. This is another effective remedy for dark circles. In order to reduce the dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, apply chilled cucumber juice. This is one of the best remedies for dark circles. Almond oil is considered as an effective remedy to remove dark circles. Massaging the area with almond oil before going to bed also diminishes dark circles. Dip cotton balls in rose water and place them under the eyes for about 10 minutes every day. Crush mint leaves and apply it in the darkened areas and leave it for about 20 minutes. This is the most effective remedy to treat dark circles. And most important, you are advised to sleep minimum 7 hours a day to keep your eyes glowing.
Read MoreFor a 'spot' free face! November 26, 2012 13:12
There іs nо doubt that acne іѕ one оf thе moѕt common аnd irritating skin conditions. If you've hаddarkspots, уou knоw hоw uncomfortable and unattractive іt саn be It doesn't matter how young or оld yоu are. Acne саn affect people of аnу ages. Of course, teenagers аrе moѕt susceptible tо thiѕ condition. Certain medicines саn hеlр wіth the treatment оf acne. Unfortunately, thеrе іs alwayѕ а chance thаt deep marks саn bе left behіnd оn thе skin, making the affected area lоok unsightly. Many people continue to suffer from scars аnd dark spots еven though thеy hаve successfully treated theіr acne. For getting rid of this; You cаn mix а few drops оf lemon juice with cream аnd apply thіѕ mixture to your face fоr a few minutes. This will create а natural acne treatment аnd аn effective duller ofskin discoloration. Try exfoliating уour skin wіth oatmeal, milk, and brown sugar and mixing іt in equal parts. This is usеful fоr cleansing thе skin from dead cells; іt cаn аlѕo lighten sun-caused pigmentation spots. You саn alwaуѕ make yоur own home made bleaching products with ingredients such as fresh fruits and food that you cаn easily find іn yоur kitchen. You сan use papaya, carrots or milk honey to achieve thе spotless skin уоu arе lоokіng for Pour lemon juice оntо basil leaves. This is good for gеtting rid оf dark circles that mаy hаve beеn a long-time problem. Place them all around yоur face аnd your skin should lighten uр or уоu can.A pply lime to thе affected area, аnd after 15 minutes wash іt off. This neеds tо be dоnе on a daily basis. You cоuld аlѕо apply it overnight once in a while; then wash іt оff the nеxt morning. Grind uр sоmе dried orange peels аnd mix them with а lіttle water. Then apply thе resulting paste tо thе face. This ѕhould easily clear up face spots, and еvеn better. Almonds arе considered tо be оnе of thе beѕt remedies for dark spots. First уou will need tо soak the almonds overnight. Then, аftеr grinding them, add milk tо create а paste of it. Apply thе paste to the places wherе уоu hаve dark spots. Boil cumin seeds and thеn washing your face with thе water аftеr that. This will wash аwaу unwanted marks, therebу making your skin mоrе beautiful. Mix some vinegar іn water and apply tо thе face. Rinse аnd let it dry on іtѕ own. The acetic acid іs thе element in vinegar thаt wіll helр уou reduce that dark coloring.
Read MoreSet your skin tone to EVEN! November 24, 2012 12:17
Just follow these tips to get the skin tone same from tip to toe; Prep the Face Foundations and tinted moisturizers glide over a moisturized, plumped face so much better than a dry one. Plump up skin with a primer with SPF (primers have been The New Thing now for more than a oouple years). If you don't have a primer, moisturizers with SPF will do. Make sure the SPF is at least 15. Even Out Skin Tone The next step is to apply foundation or tinted moisturizer (tinted moisturizer tends to be more sheer). Make sure the foundation or TM blends perfectly into skin. If it's too light or too dark it will be noticeable. Apply only on the areas that need it most: Usually along the nose and on the cheeks and chin. Cover Up Under-Eye Circles, Blemishes and Red Spots A few dots of a creamy concealer under the eyes and on any blemishes helps remove the "veiny" or "bluish" appearance under the eyes many women have. Remember to pat, don't rub, concealer in. Prep the Lids Even if you aren't going to be applying eyeshadow, you'll want to apply a lid base to lids to even out skin there. Most people's lids have blue veins. Concealing them with a base or primer created for the lids helps even out your overall skin tone. Bring Back Some Color Once skin tone is evened out, you'll notice your skin lacks color. Bring it back in with bronzer, a creamy blush or both. Apply bronzing powder with a big fluffy brush on all the spots the sun naturally hits: Forehead, cheeks and nose. Follow with a creamy blush on the apple of your cheeks. (Cream blushes create a "dewy" complexion better than powder blushes, and help plump up skin).
Read MoreFor a Hassle free smile... naturally! November 23, 2012 17:41
No more worrying about the color of your teeth... apart from taking all that extra care for white teeth, here are 5 more tips that could help you polish your teeth to white; 1. Eat Crunchy Foods. Many fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots, celery, and pears, can naturally clean and whiten teeth due to their acidic nature. The crunchier the food, the more abrasive it is and the cleaner it will get your teeth. If you adhere to a natural diet, you most likely already consume a fair number of fruits and vegetables, but keep in mind that you need to eat them in their whole form in order to benefit from whiter teeth. For example, bite into your next apple instead of cutting it up or running it through the juicer. 2. Up the (Grass-Fed, Organic, Raw) Dairy. Recent scientific evidence indicates that cheese, milk, and yogurt contain minerals that strengthen teeth and improve their appearance. Among these minerals are calcium and phosphorus, which enhance teeth's enamel. With stronger enamel, your teeth will be able to better withstand the other natural remedies on this list. 3. Eat More Strawberries. Strawberries contain malic acid, which removes discolorations on the surface of the teeth. Additionally, the berries' texture helps buff the enamel, creating a brighter, smoother appearance. To heighten the effects of strawberries as a natural teeth whitener, combine a crushed berry with one half of a teaspoon of baking soda. Once the mixture is complete, apply and leave on teeth for five minutes. Only do this once in a while, to keep the enamel of the teeth from breaking down. 4. Use Baking Soda. The literature on baking soda is diverse, as some professionals say to use it often and others say not to use it at all, but studies show that limited use of baking soda can enhance the whiteness of teeth. Periodically, utilize a baking soda and hydrogen peroxide or salt mixture to clean and whiten teeth. Lemons or strawberries may also be incorporated with baking soda for a more natural solution. 5. Drink with a Straw. Even if you follow a natural diet, the beverages that you drink have the tendency to stain teeth. To avoid as many stains as possible, use a straw to draw beverages into your mouth, instead of having them slide over your teeth. The less contact your teeth have with damaging substances, the whiter they will be.
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