My intnention is not to blame American Work Culture, but i just want to say " Don't get carried away with something, which is sheer robotic.
From a time, where the office is used to be the ‘home after home’ to the present days, where office has become Home itself – Americanism and its work culture has certainly taught us many more.
Now in India, the new era employee is William Blake’s ‘School Boy’. The poem is good to read but hard to digest. Yes, if one loves to work under Centralized Air conditioner and want handsome salary, they need to work accordingly. Nobody denies that. But balancing personal and professional lives is equally important. Earn money, but not at the cost of relationships.
We get the most use of today’s ever changing technology, which has erased all the distance barriers around the world. But at the same time, we make ourselves so busy (No, we addicted to being busy!). Scheduling the things till 2020 sounds so good now. Great! But are you spending the same day 365 times and calling it a year? Leading the same day routine for 60 years and calling it a life? If yes, then it’s time to rethink.
Work is for Work and fun is for Fun. Don’t mix both
In European nations, when workers go on holiday, they really go on holiday—they won’t answer work emails or make business calls. No colleague or manager would even think of sending an employee a late-night text (post office hours) relating to work, yet it happens all the time in America.