Designer Randy Sarafan from San Francisco was inspired by the weird and wonderful hi-tech bras found in Syrian bazaars. As a result has created a bra that can be removed simple act of clapping. Revealing the fact behind the invention, the battery-powered design uses an electromagnet that controls a switch which opens the firm grip of the bra when someone claps nearby. The magnet acts as a switch to release the bra's clasp. At the same time it is anticipated that the technology could be used by arthritis sufferers.
Sarafan emphasizing that the first time he read about Syrian Lingerie he was quite moved. Furthermore, in the West, we often think of Arab cultures as sexually affected societies, when - in fact - it turns out that they are clearly act quickly and with certainty ahead of us when it comes to advancements in lingerie technology.
'From this point forward, it has come into being his mission to fast-forward lingerie technology in the West.
This is how it becomes visible when you clap closer:
Sarafan added that he figured the first step in this critical mission was to replicate some of the advancements made in Syria and that the article of lingerie that resounded most with his inner sensibilities was the clap-off bra. He immediately determined to make his own clap-off bra as a springboard into Western lingerie innovation.' On the other hand other exciting Syrian lingerie includes remote-controlled items and glow-in-the-dark bras as well knickers. Even-though the fact of creation remains as a novelty item, Sarafan's technology could be used by arthritis sufferers who find bra clasps difficult to use, as well as people accompanied by physical incompetence.
At the conclusive phase lies the complain launched by the customers who brought into fact that Clapper can sometime get accelerated by a dog's bark, knocking otherwise clapping on television.
Exciting appealing for any man as well woman !
(AW:Samrat Biswas)