Want to start your first day in a week with happiness and continue the same, entire week? Here are some simple and quick tips you can follow;
Try waking up at least half an hour before than regular… take this time only for you… enjoying your morning coffee, doing some stretching exercises, along with listening to your favorite music will help you get rid of all that laziness and your mind and thought process will become active.
When we believe HOPE is the only aspect that is making us live our every day, then what is HOPING the day will be wonderful, filled with expectations? Just begin your day with the same expectation. You might have planned to finish of certain work at certain time, so stick to that. Even if you encounter any hurdle, just remember that you are a human being and this is just a human error and try not repeating the next time… let your everyday be learning and a challenge… in fact, set up your own challenges.
Just smile… it really feels better… you are living a life so add life to whatever you are doing… be at work or home, just love whatever you are doing… there is nothing like ‘I don’t have any other option so I am doing this’… this is more or less a comfortable statement to escape from any situation and nothing more… so, if you want to alter your life style or change your job, just do it… if not changing your living completely according to your thoughts, altering it and living comfortably, let people around you and your loved ones live happily as well, is a art… so, start mastering in the same.
And, never let any other person, right from your partner to your boss, bother you and influence their thoughts on you… if they are in a hurry of finishing some work soon? Let THEM be… you analyze and plan accordingly and do what will be right at that moment… because, once you get influenced by somebody and working according to their mindset, if something goes wrong in this process, they will surely blame YOU… why to curb your happiness by doing or not doing something, that is not and all according to your thought?
So, be happy…