One that always keeps my mood awaken, is Surprise... be it me receiving or being at the other end... and what more exciting could be than surprising your partner/boyfriend??? Rather than picking up that favorite shirt/watch or shades of his, you can try out more ways to surprise him;
1) Set up a night of pure pampering. Even guys love to be pampered too! Buy some erotic massage oils and lotions and give him a sensual massage starting from his feet and working up to his shoulders and his head. Your boyfriend will be extremely appreciative and chances of him returning the favor are greater.
2) Think about your boyfriend's interests and what he likes to do. If he is an outdoors type of guy, surprise him with a hike into the mountains and a romantic picnic lunch overlooking a lake, stream, or even a waterfall. Bring a bottle of champagne and toast to a wonderful afternoon.
3) Tap into your creative side and do something simple. Even the smallest tokens of expressing your love for your boyfriend will be appreciated. Slip your guy a love note into his coat pocket, briefcase, or book bag. When he finds these cute, romantic notes he will smile and will truly appreciate your efforts and you for making his day
4) If your boyfriend is into sporting goods, hunting, and fishing take him to a sporting goods store for a day of, in his mind, pure bliss. This is pure Heaven for a guy, to spend an entire day in a sporting goods store just walking through and browsing the racks.
5) If you want to keep the mystery in your relationship, putting together a scavenger hunt is the ideal way to keep the mystery and surprise him with a wonderful romantic ending to the hunt. Start by placing clues on the bathroom mirror, the front door, or even on the windows of his car. Giving him small clues to this romantic ending will keep him in suspense all day, making him anxious to get home to you to find out what this big romantic surprise is. Once he figures out all the clues, end the all-day hunt with a trail of rose petals, a candlelit dinner, and sensual massage.
6) Show up where your boyfriend works around the time he would go on lunch break. Either bring him lunch or "kidnap" him away from the stress of his job for a surprise lunch. This will definitely brighten up his day and will relieve the stress he has already endured.
7) Prepare a bubble bath for your boyfriend....and join him! Engaging in this type of sexy surprise will enhance your relationship and will help you engage in alternative ways to express your love for each other.
8) If you have a spare key to your boyfriend's apartment, surprise him with a trail of rose petals and candles leading to a romantic dinner surrounded by more candles and rose petals. Serve him his favorite meal and even take some time to "feed" your boyfriend his meal. Let him de-stress in a calm, romantic atmosphere with the woman he loves.
9) Write your boyfriend a love letter and send it in the mail. Talk about the ultimate surprise when you boyfriend grabs his mail and sees a later from you amongst all of the bills and junk mail! He will absolutely love this gesture and can make for an excellent foreplay gesture into a romantic sexual encounter later on.
10) Just be there for him. Knowing that your boyfriend is having a difficult time in certain aspects of his life, giving him the support he needs to make it through each day. Just being their for him will be the most gratifying and the most rewarding surprise you could give him.