Kriti Sanon keeps an end to speculations about Prabhas:- Pan-Indian star Prabhas is done with the shoot of Adipurush and the film is announced for June 2023 release. Om Raut is the director and Prabhas, Kriti Sanon played the lead roles. The film's final budget is touching Rs 600 crores and is one of the costliest Indian films made. After the shoot commenced, there are speculations that Prabhas and Kriti Sanon are in a relationship. They never responded for the rumors and remained tight-lipped. Now, during the promotions of Bhediya, Bollywood young actor Varun Dhawan admitted that Kriti Sanon's heart is not with her and is with an actor who is shooting for his next feature film with Deepika Padukone. These comments triggered back the speculations about the relationship of Prabhas and Kriti Sanon.
Kriti Sanon responded for the rumors and she called them baseless. She said that she had to respond before some web portals will announce their wedding date. "Its neither Pyaar, nor PR. Our Bhediya just went a little too wild on a reality show. And his fun banter lead to some Howl-arious rumours. Before some portal announces my wedding date, let me burst your bubble. The rumours are ABSOLUTELY baseless" told the statement of Kriti Sanon. Prabhas is currently shooting for Project K in the direction of Nag Ashwin and Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone will be seen in other important roles. Project K is expected to release during the end of 2023 or during early 2024. Prabhas is also shooting for Salaar directed by Prashant Neel and Maruthi's untitled film.