Would you try a facial that contains bird poop though it promises a glowing and healthy skin? Most women wouldn't back off in the issue of beauty and would go any further to maintain and improve their skin health.
Shizuka New York Day Spa in Midtown specializes inJapanese traditional beauty techniques and a recent facial technique that has been gaining popularity is the Geisha Facial. The primary ingredient in this facial may not sound as attractive as the name. Bird poop, which is said to have abundant quantities of guanine, is the major constituent in the facial treatment that costs $180.
Aesthetician Asako Nunose says that this treatment is not modern but has a history of many centuries. “It was used by ancient Japanese entertainers whose skin was damaged greatly by the presence of lead in the white makeup they had to wear on their faces. Nightingale droppings made into a paste were applied as a mask on their face to revive the dead cells”, she says.
The bird droppings are sanitized in ultraviolet light and mixed with rice bran, exfoliating substances and brightener and made into a paste. The nucleoubase guanine in the droppings has a capacity to impart shine to the skin.
The idea of bird poop being applied on the face may not be as pleasing to hear or experience but the after effects sure are. It is speculated that over the coming years the use of biologically derived beauty products would dominate the market. So, prepare yourself mentally to stuff your rack with beauty products obtained from a variety of insects and other creatures.
AW- Anil