‘Outstanding’ among the ‘rest’…

January 11, 2012 12:32
‘Outstanding’ among the ‘rest’…

Who does not want to be special? For that matter every one of us are special in their own ways… then why only certain people get recognized at work place? Why only they are considered for all those hikes or applause? Why are you just any other employee among thousand other employees and cannot be ‘outstanding’?

It could be you are not knowing your worth and importance? Or many be you are just wanting others to know your worth? Arreyaar, your own family members would not understand your mind unless you yourself would tell the same, then how can employers or a colleague of yours can understand your worth without you intimating the same…

So, to be the ‘Best Employee’, you can try out the following measures;

•    Knowing your place. Always keep in mind that you are not the boss of the company. You are there to comply with the standards of the company and not to impose your own standards. Be sure to always give your best in everything. Follow the authority of your immediate bosses. Consider them as your seniors and treat them with utmost respect. They know more about the company than you do. Learn from them and seek their guidance if you are uncertain about something. Remember that your boss calls the shots even if you knew what's best for the situation.

•    Having integrity. Employers love to see employees who show integrity no matter what. Always keep you word and do the right thing. Remember that even the smallest things will make or break you integrity as an employee. Never be late in meetings or when passing reports within the day. Be truthful with your sick leaves, punching your time card or even sending reports. Admit your short comings and be sure to make up to it. Take the initiative to do beyond what is expected. This will definitely win favor from your employee.

•    Being a role model. You should not only gain the respect of your employer but your fellow employees as well. Set an example for other employees to follow. Perform each task efficiently and act as the team's spark to do the more.

•    Giving due respect. Respect begets respect. You have to earn the respect of your employer with action. Show your strong work ethic and dedication for your job every time you are asked to do something. Understand that even though your boss is not all knowing, he has the experience required to be placed in that position. His words will have weight no matter what. If you are to suggest or give in your opinion, be sure to have it explained in a manner that is not intrusive to your boss' position.

•    Being courteous. Greet everyone in your office with a smile. Use courteous words when addressing or having conversation with your boss and co-employees. Carefully choose your words even during heated conversations. Do not back stab anyone with words.

This is it… so simple isn’t it? Of course, it is definitely not so easy to implement all these and yet be successful. But at the same time, nothing is impossible… starting your ways to possibility…

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