Or ‘Truth’ and ‘Dare’. At any cost, do not want to let the truth out? Thinking on what lie to be told to escape from the situation you are in now? Just stay there for a second. When you give hundred reasons for hiding the truth and covering it up with a lie, I would give you only Five reasons of why you should not be dishonest, no matter what it the situation;
You and I have experienced this nth time, but still choose to do the same. In the process of hiding the reality and cooking up some story, we just not end the same with one. To cover one truth, if not hundred, we at least lie Ninety nine times and many times would be caught up, when not able to relate these faults with one another. Then what? We end up living in guilt, on cheating on them who believed us the most. Is all this nonsense required? What are we afraid of? Let’s stand up for the truth.
You accept or not, when you lie, there is a inherent negative emotion that carries all through our mind. We might escape from the situation at that time, but this emotion would not get out so soon from our mind.
Hiding the truth may be some times a necessity, but going on, this would become a habit and we would end up forgetting what the ‘truth’ is, as we would be so used to lie in each situation.
This is not only a negative impact about us amongst others, but the more we think and act on not being truth, the more chances of us in adapting a life style that is completely loaded with a false perception. This would completely throw us away from the reality.
Whom we are making live in a false impression with our lie? Our loved ones?Our spouse? People in the Organization we work? Our friends? In any case, all these are related to us in somewhere or the other. So, this definitely means we are not cheating the World, but we are cheating ourselves first.
And if you are trying to get rid of this habit, and live life without any guilt, then here are some suggestions that can help you attain your desire;
Not just deciding, implement the same. Once you have decided no more hiding the truth, imply the same in each and every situation you face. Be it the toughest situation that can drag you to problems or smallest situation that makes no difference if you lie or tell the truth. It is for you and for you peace of mind, you should just stick on telling the truth.
The root cause or the major reason for us to even think of hiding the truth with a lie, in the threat of losing our loved ones in case they get to know the reality. But, when these same loved ones of yours get to know that you have cheated them by hiding the truth, will they stay with you? If your loved ones are understanding and matured enough to think in the situation you were in and that made you to do or not to certain things, they would understand you, if not, till what time you can hold them, keeping them in a false impression? So, be firm and be what you are.
Only if you are bold enough and possess that dare to face the truth, you would stick to projecting the situation as what it is. So, be bold and remember the rest of the World has nothing to do with what you are. If you are answerable then it is for you and the loved ones who live for you…
Get up; get going in transforming the ‘truth’ in you!
SunayanaVinay Kumar