It is not a sin nor abnormal to be single even at the age of 30. And these days, when career taking a first priority and even family taking a back seat, settling down in a hurry is not even thought. Only after you know what you want in life, plan and achieve each and every step in your career and life, fulfill your basic to luxury needs, make some money, invest some amount, buy and car and if you can a flat also, and get a proper hold on what kind of a life style you can live in and would your partner be able to satisfy the same, only then you think of finding that ‘Mr. Right’ of your life.
Well, seems to be too long a journey, but this is what with today’s generation when it comes to plan a settlement in your life. since the culture and our approach and vision towards looking life has been changed, there is no surprise our thinking about settlement and starting with a committed relationship to change in the thoughts about all other situations in our life.
But, practically speaking, staying single for a long rime or analyzing a relationship just as we take any other financial or career related decision, would not make our perspective towards commitment, emotions, love to change?
Just as our thought process changes from teenage to Adult, to 30+ to 40 and we tend to become insensitive or for that matter mentally strong each year, similarly our perspective towards love, relationship and commitment also changes. So, with this new mindset that always thinks about the pros and corns before answering any issue, would we ever be able to find our perfect match at this age? Even if we do, can we ever show that unconditional life to our partner? Keeping our social status, life style, ego aside, can we just love our partner and expect the same love in return?
Well, to each one’s own. Now, it is neither correct nor possible to judge how a person takes a situation and no two mindsets are alike.
Post 30, we can find many who just marry for the sake of it, who are in search of that love and commitment from their partner, who are going through a break up and stuck up in their own thoughts, who are looking for a friend in their partner and have no problem even if their partner is seeing somebody else, they just want to be in a relationship.
However, ideally at least 25 for Woman and 28 for Men is considered as a right age to get into a committed relationship, keeping all those changes in our biological needs and thought process in consideration.
Now, it is up to you, to take all these aspects into consideration and think to get into a committed relationship or wait for some more time.
Out of personal experience, one last aspect. There is no ‘Mr. Perfect’ or ‘Ideal Patner’ as such, and if you start searching for the same, you might end up being single. If your partner is matured and understanding, most important gives respect to you as an individual and if needed he stands by you to protect your identity, capable enough to take care of you… I suppose you should not look for anything more…
SunayanaVinay Kumar