Saskia Wieringa, a Dutch activist known for her work on women's same-sex relations and women's empowerment, came out with a few of the facts about the state of widows and sex workers in India, after working for more than 30 years in Indonesia on women issues.
To share all her facts, Wieringa even authored a book, regarding the woman comparisons in Indonesia and India. In the book, she shared all her research experiences performed in Delhi, Gujarat and Maharashtra states.
"The position of widows is really very problematic in comparison to Indonesia. There is a big difference" Wieringa said.
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“The world shows pity on a widow and treats that she is sexually available, but in Indonesia, they can take up the jobs,” she added.
"But coming to India, the way heterosexual marriage is seen as a holy tie, makes for violence in relationships that don't work anymore and it ties a widow to her in-laws and that leads to a lot of violence and subordination," said Wieringa.
“Beyond sex work, there is a lot more to do for a woman in Indonesia, but I think there is no such chance in India. Moreover, in India, once a woman turns as a sex worker, she ends her life with the same. But in Indonesia, the woman can even get married and also have children,” the 60 year Wieringa said.
Speaking about the recent Indian Supreme Court's landmark judgment on third genders, Wieringa said that, it is a big step forward. If it is interpreted all the way, then not just one particular form, all forms of the gender diversity are acceptable.
By Phani Ch