Well, not only writing but it could be any freelance work. even though this is easy to work and handle and would not require much of a time it is better to take a break from freelance work as well. want to know why???
Recharge: My vacation allowed me to take a break and rejuvenate. I was stress free for the first time in 30 years. I didn’t have any deadlines or have to worry about being home to take a phone call. I could step away from my desk for a few hours without worrying about whether or not a client or “boss” will be upset with me for my absence.
Remember What’s Important: Yes. Making money is very important, especially if we don’t want to dumpster dive for sustenance. However, spending every afternoon in the pool with my son reminded me of something even more important than money. How many of us work at home to spend time with our kids, but spend more time hunched over our laptops than playing Monopoly?
Get into Shape: I’ve especially been working on getting the junk out of my trunk. It’s happening slowly but I’m working out and eating right and it feels real good. It’s time to step away from the roly chairs, people. Take a the dog for a walk or enroll in a spinning class. Maybe it’ll take 30 minutes or 60 minutes out of your day but you’re no good to anyone when you’re unhealthy.
Enjoy the Weather: About ten years ago, when I worked in the accounting department of an upscale retail chain, I remember staring out the window on a beautiful summer day. I told myself if I was ever in a position to not have to go into an office every day, I’d enjoy every bit of every beautiful day. Well, freelancing kept me inside too. Not this year though. I really did stop and smell the roses.
Enjoy People: Instead of telling friends and family I was busy, I enjoyed my time with them. If I bumped into a neighbor at the supermarket I didn’t rush off saying I had to get back to work. I went out to dinner with friends and enjoyed family picnics. The old sociable Deb came back in full force and workaholic Deb gladly hung out on the back burner.
New Ideas: All of this time spent away from other people projects, allowed me to focus on my own. I have so many new ideas. Stepping back allowed those creative juices to start flowing again.
Make it About You for Once: Freelance writers spend all their time catering to others. If we’re not trying our hardest to please clients, we’re working at pleasing our families. Sometimes we need to make it about us. If there’s one thing I learned this summer, it’s that I’m not selfish for wanting to do a few things for me.