More than just our look and personality, these days we have moved to an extent of knowing how and in what way we are benefited through our own traditional values, that we tend to follow without knowing their importance as such… today, we would once again cherish the importance of ‘turmeric’ right from the birth to various stages of womanhood, that has been a part of life and would remain to be;
A birth of a baby girl, the first thought that arises to her mother would be to make sure she is beautiful. And thus right from the early neonatal age comes into picture the importance of "Turmeric ". In many Indian families especially in the south it’s very common to mix oil and turmeric together and apply it all over the body of the girl, every day. It’s believed that Turmeric has wonderful result in glowing the skin. According to Ayurveda turmeric is known for increasing blood circulation, removing toxins out form the blood. Thus many beauty products now days have Turmeric as their major ingredient.
Turmeric for teenagers
Young girls, when in Menarche often have many hormonal issues starting from pimple to irregular menstruation cycle .Heavy bleeding or scanty, most of them are the result of irregular lifestyle or food habits. Pimples are the most common not only for girls but also in boys in this age group. But again the girls are more cautious about them rather than any one.
Turmeric works so well in all the above issues. Either with honey or even just added to food can help a lot to prevent or fight for those issues.
Apply some turmeric paste on your the pimples and then see the result after couple of days. Pimples, discoloration, scar not for you at all.
Turmeric in Marriage
Indian weddings cannot be completed without this herb. It’s strange but lot of cultures in India would have a complete day of celebration with turmeric .As we discussed the property of turmeric and skin glow the same is used on this important day in the life of the Indian bride and the groom Turmeric with flour of yellow lentils with milk is mixed together and then applied all over the body of both the groom and the bride. It’s all about the last minute touch for the wedding.
Turmeric during Pregnancy
In the recent times due to change in life style, diet habits many women do face complications during pregnancy such as Placenta previa , excess blood loss and other . Turmeric can use as a great herbal tea to be taken during such conditions or even during the whole 9 month of pregnancy.
If you want your baby to have great skin, soft and smooth and beautiful, please try this Drink some turmeric tea every day once you know you are pregnant. Check it out ...That's what many did in the ancient India ...
Turmeric and the late Adult hood
when a woman reaches the age of 40 plus ... The ghost of menopause starts bothering her .Hot flashes, heavy bleeding, mood swings, back pain and osteoporosis. If you just going to that age group try taking turmeric at that time and see the difference. If you are facing all the above mention issues try the turmeric even then and see it.
Due to its known work on blood and its source according to Ayurveda, turmeric works magic as an hormone replacement medication you may say .No sweating, no clots, no trouble .
Turmeric and Old age:
As old age comes , so comes the typical diseases associated with it diabetes , heart problem and varicose veins , arthritis you name it ...
If you look closely diabetes , cholesterol ,varicose veins and few of the other known condition the answer that you might find for prevention and for healing would be in this magic drug .
Stay tuned to cherish more values of our Tradition that is looked up by entire Nation!