![Healthy hair represents healthy ‘You’](https://www.andhrawishesh.com/Resources/images/no-image.png)
Do you know, more recent the trend of long silky hair is ‘in’ again? It is not that just because considering fashion or trend you need to grow your hair, but it is a proven fact that Healthy hair represents healthy ‘You’. So here are some tips, if followed regularly can make your Hair ‘Healthy’ and you more beautiful;
If you are suffering from dandruff and have oily hair, massage with olive oil. It will help restore the normal acid alkaline balance of the scalp.
To promote your hair growth and to improve the texture of your hair, massage with pure coconut oil.
A good oil massage is as essential to your hair as food to your body. It helps to stimulate bloodcirculation in the follicles and also softens hair texture. Massage oil into your scalp using your fingertips in rotary movements.
If your hair has turned brown due to excessive exposure to sun, massage using castor oil, because castor oil is believed to have darkening properties. The point to be noted here is that it does not turn white hair black, but it restores darkness of hair turned brown due to excessive exposure to sun or due to protein deficiency.
Split ends are a big pain you know. To get rid of them, first cut off the split ends. Apply heated pure coconut oil on the scalp and hair atleast twice a week a night before taking a head bath. After you wash your hair, never use a hair dry. Please follow natural hair drying using a towel. Following this treatment will help your scalp to absorb oil better. And instead grow your hair soon.
Always remember, if you are healthy inside that reflects your skin and hair too. So, never forget to eat healthy at a right time. Starving does not make you look ravishing, it instead appears you look week, pale and double your age. So, no more junk food. Just eat all those vegetables, leafy ones mostly, fruits and dry fruits, even they are not ‘yummy’ and you hate eating them. After all, all these you are doing at the cost of your look and health so, karnatohpadegaa hi!
I know you love leaving your hair UN - tied. But, do you think it is necessary for your hair to face a disaster with all this pollution and instead become dull, more damaged? Leave your hear when you attend parties and all those in – door events. But, when you are travelling or out, make sure you cover up your hair with a stole. It is just about pampering your hair that makes to grow a healthy hair!
So, time to get started to get that beautiful healthy looking hair for you as well!