Last Friday, we saw Ram Charan and Priyanka Chopra starrer "Zanjeer" and Parineeti Chopra and Sushant Singh Rajput starrer "Shuddh Desi Romance" take it head on at the box-office. And, as predicted, it's the breezy romance that seems to clearly emerge as the box-office favorite over theweekend.
While Maneesh Sharma's “Shuddh Desi Romance” netted Rs.23.27 crore on its first weekend, Apoorva Lakhia's “Zanjeer” proved to be quite a dud with a mere collection of just Rs.10.16 crore in the first week.
While SDR started off to a lukewarm response, it caught up on Saturday and Sunday, while Zanjeer started out well, but lost out over the weekend.
Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted:
“Priyanka's Zanjeer, made on a budget of Rs.70 crore, got panned by the critics and audience while Shuddh Desi Romance, that was made on a budget of Rs.30 crore, impressed critics and audience for its fresh cast and storyline.”
Parineeti Chopra is ecstatic by the success.
"When I read the script I was sure that this is going to be a very entertaining film. I was happy that Maneesh and Adi (Aditya Chopra from YRF) offered me this film because after 'Ishaqzaade' I wanted to do something different and 'Shuddh Desi Romance' clicked," Parineeti said .
"It has released and people are liking it, the reviews are good and all the performances and Jaideep (Sahni, scriptwriter) and Maneesh's work is being appreciated. When there are a lot of messages and missed calls on your phone, you like it. So, I am very happy," added the 24-year-old.
(AW: Suchorita Dutta)