T-town is buzzing with the idea of Mahesh Babu making his debut in Bollywood. After Sonam Kapoor, a former Miss India Simran Kaur is showing considerable interest in working with him. But, is Mahesh interested in taking the bite?
Prince Mahesh commands a strong fan following in the state and outside too. With his association with the MARD project with Farhan Akhtar, his appeal increased. He is even part of national ad campaigns for several brands. Mahesh has become a familiar face and north audiences are already aware that he is a star.
If Mahesh is considering a Bollywood entry after watching the rushes of Charan's Zanjeer, as rumored, then one simple point is worthy of notice. While Mahesh is already appreciated for his looks and stardom in Bollywood, it was not so for Charan. Infact, Zanjeer's makers and Priyanka Chopra shouted from the rooftops that he a superstar and raised expectations.
Reactions to Charan's debut in Bolywood ranged from the good to the worst because of the hype created. Needless to say, Mahesh will not make the mistake of setting himself up for comparisons against an old cult film and a senior respected actor. Still, that is speculation. Expectations will be how they should be and not up there in the sky. Mahesh Babu has not yet commented on wild rumors of him considering Bollywood seriously.
About 3 months back, Go Goa Gone makers were eagerly telling the media that they would work with Mahesh Babu on a Telugu film and possibly make it a bilingual. It is said that even director Puri Jagannath wants to direct the actor's Hindi debut. The lure of Bollywood has a strong grip on many South actors, particularly in recent times.
(AW: Sruthi)