Jiiva the star who had a golden era after Rangam (Ko in Tamil) must be having delivery pangs with his mighty magnum opus slated for release in two days. The actor seems to be thrilled over his Mugamoodi (Mask in Telugu) is being released globally on August 31. South's unique socio-fantasy thriller centered around a super human character is sure to impress the child in every person.
In this Mysskin directed film, Jiiva shares the screens with hot blonde Pooja Hegde and Narain plays as the antagonist. The film has imbibed high technical inputs that are sure to amaze the `child in every one,' say sources. This film is sure to be big ticket film.
Ask Jiiva how he feels before the release, 'I am thrilled to be part of such an interesting project. I am waiting to see the reaction of people, especially children. I have put in my best and all credits should go to Mysskin.' (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)