It has been more than 5 years that Saloni has made her debut in T – Town as a Heroine. She has done couple of films like ‘Chukkallo Chandrudu’ in her initial stages of career, but any film neither became a block buster success, nor made her get some recognition in T – Town. But, S.S. Raja Mouli has recognized her talent and casted as a main lead opposite Suneil in ‘Maryaada Raamanna’. After all these years of her association with the film industry, it was ‘Maryaada Raamanna’ that bought her the much needed recognition and some other assignments to act opposite Bala Krishna and Venkatesh in their forth coming films. Apart from this, Saloni will also be seen in a Heroine centric role in the film titled ‘Telugammayi’.
Sharing her all these years of experience with film industry, Saloni said, ‘it is not possible to be successful right with a film or two. You need to have patience and wait for a correct opportunity that can make you sustain in the industry. Once the path is shown, then you would be getting your set of work in the films. I am here to do some films that have an importance for my role too’, said the actress.
Let’s wish Saloni has a long way to go in the industry.