‘Maryada Ramanna’ fame Saloni is getting stable day by day in Tollywood. The actress who is acting in a film called, ‘Telugammaayi’ as of now and signed a Movie opposite Bala Krishna. Saloni will soon start shooting for Venkatesh’s upcoming film ‘Body guard’. The flick is a remake of a Tamil film. The film is being re made in Hindi too, Salman Khan is a lead in Hindi version. Well Saloni will be playing second lead is the film and Trisha as first lead.
This is a Big Project for Saloni. ‘Body guard’ is been directed by Gopichand Malineni, and Bellam Konda Suresh is producing the film under Sai Ganesh Productions. The film maker earlier made ‘Nagavalli’ with venkatesh that incurred huge loss, post release. Now, all the team members of ‘Bodyguard’ are working on making this film a Success. Telugu cinema Industry is incurring many losses in recent times. Hope this film will turn out to be a Hit!