Even after getting mixed response from the critics, Shah Rukh Khan's 'Happy New Year' is storming the box office with collections. As per the reports, the film entered the 100 crore club in just three days, smashing all the previous box office records. 'Happy New Year' film also set the first day collections record with Rs 44.97 crores and the film reported humongous collections for the weekend.
Aamir Khan's Dhoom 3's collections in three days were Rs 107.61 crore and we have to see what figures did Happy New Year register. The production house of SRK Red Chillies has been updating about the collections. The film is also the biggest opener in the overseas however, the figures are yet to be known.
Happy New Year as SRK, Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani, Sonu Sood and Vivan Shah in the lead roles. The film is hearing to re-write the Bollywood history.
(AW: Vamshi)