Abhishek Bachchan has backed his mom Jaya Bachchan for her comments on 'Happy New Year' movie. Opening on the controversy for the first time, Junior Bachchan said, Jaya's remarks are misconducted. Anybody who was present at the venue where Jaya made such comments, knew the actual truth. It is an unfortunate situation and it could have been avoided.
Abhishek further added that he knows what his mom thinks about the movie. “Nobody likes each and every film. I know what my mother thinks of the film; my mother knows what she thinks of the film,” added AB.
On the other hand, Happy New Year is still minting money at box office. The film has so far collected Rs 350 crores and breaking all the previous records. Directed by Farah Khan, Happy New Year also has Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Boman Irani and Vivaan Shah.
(AW: Vamshi)