Shah Rukh Khan has slammed media in the Jaya Bachchan's comments controversy. It was earlier reported that Jaya called 'Happy New Year' film a nonsensical movie which followed Shah Rukh getting upset. Then the rumours floated that, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya tried to reach out to SRK to seek an explanation but he was in no mood for talks. SRK did not even respond to Big B's apology text message.
Criticising these reports, SRK slammed media and posted a report tagging Amitabh and Abhishek. “have not read a more crappy, made up piece of journalism lately,” tweeted the actor cum producer. Also Jaya Bachchan’s statement at the literature festival was taken out of context to avoid unnecessary troubles.
Finally the issue gets an end!
(AW: Vamshi)