Here is a good news for all NTR fans, Young Tiger's new film under the direction of Puri Jagannadh was launched this morning in Hyderabad at producer Bandla Ganesh's office. Jr NTR, Puri, Ganesh, Vakkantham Vamsi, Koratala Siva graced the launch event.
NTR clapped the first scene while Puri switched on the camera and directed the scene. The female lead for this film is yet to be confirmed but most likely Kajal Aggarwal is likely to be roped. The shooting is expected to begin in August last week or September first week and in a span of 80-100 days, the shooting is going to be wrapped up.
Temper, Kummestha and Nenokaram are the titles in consideration for this film but Puri Jagannadh is known for coming with out of the box titles.
(AW: Vamshi)
Click Here For Jr NTR Puri Jagannadh New Movie Launch Stills