Jr NTR is feverishly shooting for Ramayya Vasthavayya as the film is planned for release at the end this month. The team is quickly wrapping up the last schedule. Buzz is that, this schedule includes shooting for an antakshari scene, just like Pawan Kalyan did in Gabbar Singh.
Remembering Gabbar Singh's antakshari scene brings an inevitable smile to our faces. The entertainment levels were right at the top. In Ramayya Vasthavayya also, Jr NTR intends to have the audiences falling off their seats with laughter.
NTR will reportedly dance to a medley of Ilayaraja songs. Laughter is the best medicine they say. If that is true, then Ramayya Vasthavayya may just save us from some of the bad news we had in the last few months.
(AW: Sruthi)