The much awaited movie of actor Ram, Ongole Gitta is all set to hit screens tomorrow. Directed by Bommarillu Bhaskar, Ongole Gitta is said to be an out and out mass movie unlike other pictures directed by Bhaskar. In fact, the story line is something different in Ongole Gitta. The sources said that it was due to the same impressive content that Ram said no to Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu and nodded for this project.
Initially, the project faced too many hiccups with the lead actress Shubha Phutela falling sick after a couple of days of shooting at Guntur mirchi yard. Later, she was out of project and Kriti Kharbanda came into that position. So, many scenes were shot again, which resulted in the delay of the movie. Anyway, the movie is going to be out in a day finally. To know how the movie is, you need to catch up with Andhra Wishesh first Ongole Gitta movie review.
(AW Phani)