Ongole Gitta movie starring Ram in the lead role is all set to hit theatres today. Directed by Bommarillu Bhaskar, the story line of Ongole Gitta was said to be different. The movie got A certificate from the censor board as actor Prakash Raj would be seen nude in some scenes. However, the scenes would be blurred. Sensuous actress Kriti Kharbhanda is playing opposite Ram in this movie.
Ongole Gitta (Ongole breed oxe) is known for its ferociousness. Director Bommarillu Bhaskar compared Ongole Gitta to the protagonist and hence that title was christened. Ram, a booming actor, who was shot in to limelight with Jagadam and Ready reportedly sacrificed Gautam Menon's offer—Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu and accepted Bhasjar's Ongole Gitta. Will Ongole Gitta put Ram in spot light again??? To know the same, catch our Ongole Gitta movie review soon.
(AW Phani)