Silver screen sweetheart Shruti Haasan is all set to share screen space with actor Ram for the first time. The news was confirmed by the film unit. Santosh Srinivas was said to be the director of this unnamed film. It is known that Santosh Srinivas made it to Tollywood for the first time with Kandireega, which had Ram in the lead. So Ram-Santosh pair is nothing new. However, for Shruti both Santosh and Ram are new and the same from Ram and Santosh too.
The sources said that the shooting of this film is likely to begin soon. While Ram is busy with Ongole Gitta, Shruti Haasan is busy in Prabhu Deva's remake film of Nuvvastanante Nenoddantana. It is known that Shruti Haasan shot into limelight after she appeared opposite dynamic actor, power star Pawan Kalyan in Gabbar Singh.
(AW Phani)