Ace director Trivikram and power star Pawan Kalyan's new project, which is said to be out and out love entertainer is going to begin its shooting from January 22. The sources close to the film industry revealed to this Andhra Wishesh. It is known that Samantha is playing female lead in this movie. Many scenes of this movie are going to be shot in Spain. In fact, Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram earlier went to Spain to choose the best shooting locations for this untitled project.
Expectations are sky high from this movie given it's coming in the deadly combination of Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram. Notably this is first movie of Trivikram with Pawan Kalyan although he worked with mega family member—Allu Arjun for Julayi, which was a super duper hit. Let us hope that this movie also creates new record like Gabbar Singh.
(AW Phani)