Yes, it is not easy to bag a hit in Bollywood. That’s the reason, with all the ‘requierd’ elements a Muli Starrer film called ‘Zindagi Na milegi Dobara’ is being made. Hritik Roshan, Abhay Doel, Farhan Aktar, Katrina Kaif, Kaali and others are acting in this film. Now you know, it is the same film were you can see katrina’s top less act.
Farhan Aktar’s wife Zoya Aktar is directing this film. The music score is composed by Shanker Ehsaan Loy. Seeing the promos and star cast, one can easily identify that this film is an out and out youth entertainer. And more than anyone else, Hritik is waiting for the film to release soon as he has been waiting for a commercial success from ages. And for the first time Hritik and Katrina will be seen together in this film. Aur kuch mile na mile, but Hritik aur Katrina ko phir se mil ke dekh na shaayad Mile na Dobara.
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