Till date, B – Town ka Baadshah Shah Rukh khan has not done any Souht Indian Language ka film, apart from B – Town films. But, now, the Actor will appear in a South Indian flick. Now, do not start searching for the details. Arre, I am telling you na. Shah Rukh’s much awaited film after his last release ‘My Name is Khan’, his ‘Don – 2’ will be dubbed in Telugu and Tamil also. Seeing his growing craze among the entire nation, the Actor, with the intention to come close to all the south Indian Audience and in turn for a better market of his films, decided to start off the plan with his flick ‘Don – 2’. As such the film has more of surprises, Priyanka Chopra; these days becoming much close pal to Shah Rukh will be seen playing a female lead. The film is directed by one of the best directors of B – Town, Farhan Aktar, and the film makers have already decided to release this flick in a 3D format. And as all other Shah Rukh ka films, even ‘Don – 2’ will be releasing overseas along with India.
Shah Rukh will entertain the audience with a complete new look that is never seen before, in this film. ‘Don – 2’ is scheduled for a release on December 23rd, 2011.