Farhan Aktar, an address for all those who are in search of Multi talented personality in Indian Cinema. Introduced to the film industry, as a son of Veteran lyric writer, Javed Aktar, Farhan grabbed the attention of entire B – Town, for that matter even the other film industries, right with his directorial debut, ‘Dil Chahta Hai’, that even after a decade of its release, suits even to today’s generation. This it is a fact that reflects the idea of Farhan towards film making. Farhan later showcased his acting, play back singing, lyric writing skills too.
The Actor’s performance skills were highly appreciated in the recent release, the block buster success, ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobaara’. Many well known film makers are looking forward to make films with Farhan as an individual actor.
It seems, Raykesh Om Prakash Mehra, the director who has made block buster flick such as ‘Rang De Basanthi’, is planning to make the forthcoming film of his, titled as ‘Bhaag Mika Bhaag’, the story of which is based on the Punjab play back singer, Mika singh, who is more popular for his controversial acts, rather than his singing talent.
Earlier, Akshay kumar was roped up to play this role. But after seeing Farhan’s acting skills in ‘Zindagi…’, the sources say director Prakash has finalized on casting Farhan has a lead in this film.
Well, a film maker turned actor, giving a competition to all other happening actors, Good enough!